Published in Nonprofit Quarterly
By Aleyamma Mathew and Nicolette Naylor
The silos of racial justice, gender justice, and safety collided in the activism around Breonna’s death and that of so many other black women, and yet philanthropy is ill-equipped to activate resources across these interconnected issues. While some foundations have pledged to give more, philanthropy must go further to dismantle the issue silos that have kept us from actively championing the Black women, girls, and transgender, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people who are not only leading the latest resounding call for racial justice, but who are the lifeblood of so many movements for social change around the world.
Black women and girls have for decades—for centuries, really––been at the forefront of visionary efforts to end white supremacy and anti-Blackness on a global, revolutionary scale. They, along with Indigenous and other women of color, have been the ones pushing for gender equality, freedom, and justice. They have relentlessly shone a light on the fact that racism and anti-Blackness, patriarchy, and misogyny are intertwined systems of power that rely on each other to persist.
The Ford Foundation
The Ford Foundation is an independent organization working to address inequality and build a future grounded in justice. For more than 85 years, it has supported visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide, guided by its mission to strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement. Today, with an endowment of $16 billion, the foundation has headquarters in New York and 10 regional offices across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
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