JustFilms Logo
The JustFilms logo is used to communicate projects and organizations supported by the documentary filmmaking initiative of Creativity and Free Expression.
Primary JustFilms logo
The stacked version of the Ford Foundation JustFilms logo is the preferred variation of the logo. It should always be used when displayed alongside multiple partner logos, such as a sponsor page or slide.

Horizontal logo
The horizontal logo may be used when vertical space is limited and the stacked version would be too small to read easily. It is available in the same color variants as the primary logo shown above.

The “F” in “Ford Foundation” measures the spacing that needs to be used all around the logo and ensures there is enough breathing room between it and the rest of the contents and layout.

Logo don’ts
Review these examples of things to avoid when using our logo. Do not alter the logo in any way from the approved logo download files.

Download packages contain color, black and gray, and black and white (knockout) variations of the logo. Vector-based (.EPS) files and bitmap (.PNG) files are included.
Primary logo

Horizontal logo