John Muthee
Co-founder and CEO, Savannah Informatics

“I believe that innovation can benefit humanity and serve the less fortunate.”
Leadership: At the forefront of John Muthee’s work is his use of technology to address barriers to universal health care coverage in Kenya—especially critical as the Kenyan Ministry of Health reports that four out of five Kenyans lack access to medical insurance.
His start-up, Savannah Informatics, provides digital solutions for more than 1,200 hospitals across Kenya and serves six of the country’s largest health insurers—representing 70 percent of the private market—enabling them to roll out quality, affordable health insurance for hundreds of thousands of Kenyans. John has a degree from the Master of Management in Clinical Informatics program at Duke University and trained as a medical doctor at the University of Nairobi’s School of Medicine.
Vision: Private health insurance programs in Kenya cover slightly more than a million people, but 46 million Kenyans remain uninsured—many marginalized by cost or distance. John, in his work with Kenya’s Ministry of Health and private insurers, hopes to broaden his collaboration with universities and county governments to scale up digital health solutions and help make health care more affordable for Kenyans.