Aisyah Ardani
Inclusive specialist, Bintari Foundation
she, her

“People with disabilities must be included in all aspects of society, from education to climate adaptation.”
Aisyah Ardani is an inclusive specialist at BINTARI Foundation, an Indonesian national NGO working for resilient and sustainable communities. Through BINTARI’s Inclusive Climate Adaptation Program, Aisyah supports more than 1,000 most-at-risk people, including 300 people with disabilities, to establish adaptive livelihoods and disaster preparedness.
Previously, Aisyah co-initiated Majelis Pengajian Difabel, the first disability Islamic discussion forum in Central Java that advocates equality for people with disabilities. Through this forum, she led a team of volunteers to support 400 members with disabilities and developed innovative assisting tools for deaf people. Her former role as an enumerator in the Indonesian Association of Women with Disabilities produced a critical review of four running regulations contributing to the CEDAW-CRPD shadow report for the UN.
Vision: Building an inclusive educational platform where people with and without disabilities from diverse backgrounds and expertise can discuss and exchange ideas. Knowledge exchange from both groups creates a mutual understanding and respect that leads to a more inclusive society.Close