Indisposable: Tactics for Care and Mourning

Opening reception
Indisposable: Tactics for Care and Mourning is the follow-up to Indisposable: Structures of Support after the Americans with Disabilities Act, a three-year collaboration with more than thirty artists and scholars that emerged as eight online chapters each addressing the urgent questions of the moment where COVID-19 pandemic and demands for racial justice laid bare that some lives – especially disabled, queer, Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) – are deemed disposable. These chapters serve as a unique archive of the ways in which artists and scholars responded to the intertwined histories of ableism and racism.
Indisposable: Tactics for Care and Mourning focuses on two topics critical to the online iteration of the exhibition: care and mourning. The artists of Indisposable address the difficult work of not just how to care and to mourn for those deemed disposable but how to activate that work into tactics for insisting on our indisposability. The artists in the exhibition are committed to resisting the oppressive ideologies of bodily productivity and “normalcy” that have been used as markers of human worth. Their work offers audiences the chance to consider new tactics for care and mourning, activist strategies emerging from within and uplifting communities living in precarity.
Exhibiting artists: Indira Allegra, Black Power Naps (Navild Acosta + Fannie Sosa), Kevin Quiles Bonilla, Jill Casid, Francisco echo Eraso, fierce pussy, Allison Leigh Holt, Raisa Kabir, Riva Lehrer, Alex Dolores Salerno, Sami Schalk, Pamela Sneed, What Would an HIV Doula Do?, Kiyan Williams.
Ford Foundation Gallery
320 E 43rd St, New York, NY 10017
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