everything slackens in a wreck – Curator led tour July 23

Join curator Andil Gosine for a guided tour and discussion of the exhibition everything slackens in a wreck.
About the curator
Andil Gosine is a Professor of Environmental Arts and Justice at York University in Toronto, and author of Nature’s Wild: Love, Sex and Law in the Caribbean (Duke University Press, 2021). His research, curatorial and artistic practice considers historical and contemporary imbrications of desire, power and ecology, and the work represented in everything slackens in a wreck emerged from his multi-year project “Visual Arts After Indenture,” which also led to numerous publications, including special editions of Small Axe, Wasafiri and Asian Diasporic Visual Arts of the Americas. He is currently engaged in creative collaborations with many artists to further elaborate ideas in Nature’s Wild toward the production of new creative works which will be exhibited at various venues internationally over the next five years.
Ford Foundation Gallery
320 E 43rd St, New York, NY 10017
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